
Candles, Emotional Wellness & Aromatherapy

Candles, Emotional Wellness & Aromatherapy

Over the past year, I have been working double time on my business and writing a dissertation. I'm not complaining because this is the life that I chose, but that...

Candles, Emotional Wellness & Aromatherapy

Over the past year, I have been working double time on my business and writing a dissertation. I'm not complaining because this is the life that I chose, but that...

Trim your wicks and stay lit!

Trim your wicks and stay lit!

I know you may be wondering why I am talking about candle wicks. Well, here I am! I want you to win in these candle streets and it is my...

Trim your wicks and stay lit!

I know you may be wondering why I am talking about candle wicks. Well, here I am! I want you to win in these candle streets and it is my...